Rixt Leddy, AmSAT certified Alexander Technique teacher

Rixt’s path to Alexander Technique was a very practical one. As a professional singer and stage actor, she toured internationally. The demands of a busy performance schedule began to strain her voice. After trying voice lessons, acupuncture, and medicine, she discovered Alexander Technique. Not only did learning the Technique solve her hoarse voice, it helped her become more energetic and to overcome back and neck pain.  This was finally a lasting solution instead of a temporary one. After experiencing how Alexander Technique helped her, she gained a passion to help others learn the Technique. 

Rixt currently offers both private Alexander Technique lessons and group lessons. 


Accreditation & Experience

AmSAT certified teacher through the Alexander Training Institute of Los Angeles with over 1600 hours of hands-on training.

Bachelor of the Arts at HKU University of The Arts Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Teaching assistant to Michael Frederick at the Joanne Baron Acting Studio.

Alexander Technique teacher assistant to Babette Markus at the California Institute of the Arts.

Co-founder of AT CLINIC LA. Together with colleagues Kate Cook and Stefanos Kafatos, Rixt organizes here Introductory + ongoing group classes, teacher exchanges and workshops.

Since 2020, Rixt has moved back to the Netherlands where she teaches currently private Alexander Technique lessons at her beautiful Alexander Technique Studio ‘Light & Up’ in Heusden, Noord-Brabant. She now teaches her lessons in Dutch and English, whichever language her students prefer.

Rixt geeft zowel in het Nederlands als Engels les, naar ieders voorkeur!

Read my full story here

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